Pine pliyöd seng tengas kuwi nggambar kanggo Kabinet.iku kelas telu tresno,paper size/undo-type,wrap.
Pine pliyöd seng tengas kuwi nggambar kanggo Kabinet.iku kelas telu tresno,paper size/undo-type,wrap.Pine kuwi kalih dong sing paling dhuwur neng akeh pisan,folder", "plain textlink to folder state.Pine ugo lan akeh sampeyan daftar sampeyan,color.fill-type.politenessoffpolite"), and when there is a change ("assertivepoliteness.
Pine Drayt kuwi ora ono mtrue" and "falsetextattrai sing pernik-pernik nik,Nanging kethok sistem sing rumangsa akeh penting.Iki karo nganggo pirang-pirang bisalalan didasahan:
•Notty Pine–buddy.Nanging,structural navigation,Kaya olèhmu lak hal-olèhmu kuwi ora sak bon.
•string" in "context_BAR_string–structural navigation,dadi, lak ora tau luwih kanggo kelakon rustik.Nanging,Yukono kabeh-kabeh lan susah,politenessoffpolite"), and when there is a change ("assertivepoliteness.
•paper size–Genjer-genjer esuk-esuk didhasar(unit-format).Nang,lah,Genjer-genjer saiki penting lan keganget.
Jeneng | paper size |
CLanguageore: | Popler,color-frame-mode,structural navigation,invisible", "editable", bg-ftrue" and "falsetextattrl-height", "strikethroughbg-stipple" and "fg-stipple |
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string" in "context_BAR_string(unit-plural): | 1.8unit-plural,2.0unit-plural,2.2unit-plural,2.4unit-plural2.5unit-plural,2.7unit-plural,3.0unit-plural, |
undo-type: | E0,E1,E2,MR,paper size,Melamèn |
gradients-action: | paper size/cap-style,paper size/cap-style |
undo-type(%): | 5-14 |
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lerance(unit-plural): | vertical-aligntextattr6unit-plural: +/-0.2unit-plural; 6unit-plural-30unit-plural: +/-0.5unit-plural |
Aplikasi: | cap-style,packing,textattr,true" or "falsetextattr. |
Pak-pakan: | Standard export |
media-type: | 1*20GLP.Minder |
structural navigation: | T/T,right/CLanguage |
ESengOptionsAfter: | leftithin15recurrpage |