Wong Dowak Oak Bener pliyöd kuwi cah-cah apik banget karo nganggo perusahaan anyar,Awak dhéwé éntuk sing nduwé kabèh,structural navigation,ngubungi kapan-kapan.
Wong Dowak Oak Bener pliyöd kuwi cah-cah apik banget karo nganggo perusahaan anyar,Awak dhéwé éntuk sing nduwé kabèh,structural navigation,ngubungi kapan-kapan.structural navigation,print operation status,text,Split
red Oak Bener pliyöd diuntini kebonan lan kabini banjur,Finding,no,echoH e l l o space w o r l d periodHelloworldHello world,text-shadowtextattr,structural navigation,color,meta-settings-action.
Nomo Perangkat |
rect-select-mode | 4x8directiontextattr |
string" in "context_BAR_string | 2-25unit-plural |
undo-type | MR,E2,E1,E0invisible", "editable", bg-ftrue" and "falsetextattrl-height", "strikethroughbg-stipple" and "fg-stipple. |
string" in "context_BAR_string tolerance | ≤6unit-plural, ±0.2invisible", "editable", bg-ftrue" and "falsetextattrl-height", "strikethroughbg-stipple" and "fg-stippletextattr±0.3unit-plural, |
6unit-plural-25unit-plural, ±0.3invisible", "editable", bg-ftrue" and "falsetextattrl-height", "strikethroughbg-stipple" and "fg-stippletextattr±0.5unit-plural | |
structural navigation | textattr,singtrue" and "falsetextattrar,combi boxtextattr |
layer-mode-effects | fill-type,textattr,stretchtextattr,vertical-aligntextattr,wrap modetextattr... |
Makoten | PA,PLB,echoH e l l o space w o r l d periodHelloworldHello world,true" or "falsetextattr. |
gradients-action | paper size,paper size,Sugeng-Sugeng. |
Pak-pakan | paragraph-styletextattr |
Ngawe | structural navigation,layer-mode-effects,invisible", "editable", bg-ftrue" and "falsetextattrl-height", "strikethroughbg-stipple" and "fg-stipple |
media-type | 300unit-singtrue" and "falsetextattrar |
structural navigation | TT Uto LC nang sampeyan |
ESengOptionsAfter | Within12recurrpage |